0x87D0070C(-2016409844) Windows Upgrade Failed

When upgrading some clients i came across the following error when using the Windows servicing function. The was mostly an issue with remote users.

ERROR CODE 0x87D0070C(-2016409844)maximum run time.JPG

The error code basically means the upgrade timed out. This would not only apply to upgrade ( servicing ) but also updates.

This can be fixed by changing the maximum run time.

Software Library >Windows 10 Servicing >All Windows Updates and selecting the Feature update.


or of updates

Software Library > Software Updates > All Software Updates and select the update with the error.


Move SCUP 2011 database

So after I setup scup 2011 up I noticed that the database was being stored in the user’s app data, while this didn’t seem to cause any issues I would rather it have been outside of a user location.

So first off we need to find the database, this is displayed In the advanced options in the console, in this case AppData\Local\Microsoft\System Center Updates Publisher 2011\SCUP version number/ scupdb.sdf


Next what we need to do is close any SCUP processes and then copy the folder to a location where we want to store it, I advise locally.


Then in C:\Program Files (x86)\System Center Updates Publisher 2011\ you will find a file called Scup2011.exe.config , open this file and change it to

setting name=”SSCEDataFile” serializeAs=”String”>

<value>your new location \5.00.1727.0000\scupdb.sdf</value>



Then save and close , restart the sever ( not always necessary ) open the console and you should see the database is located in the new location.


Group policy settings were overwritten by a higher authority

I noticed that my update packages were showing mostly as unknown so after a bit of digging i found the following issue.

group policy  disbaling updates 1

looking through the WUAHandler.log I noticed I was getting the following message

Group policy settings were overwritten by a higher authority (Domain Controller) to: Server http://*****************:8530 and Policy ENABLED

group policy  disbaling updates.JPG

This means that something within the domain is overwriting the policy from ConFigMgr

This was an old GPO in my case that had been enabled so once I took that away everything when back to usual in both reports and local logs.

1606 update failed prerequisite check

So I went to update my test site to 1606 and noticed that it didn’t pass the prerequisites check, before even looking at the logs I did notice that my c: drive was under 15gb after i had recently copied some temporary files over. I moved the files and ran the test again and it all upgraded fine. Nice quick fix



Failed to evaluate an expression. Error 0x(80041017)

I noticed on one of my tests task sequences I was getting an Error 80041017


This means WBEM_E_INVALID_QUERY (0x80041017) Query was not syntactically valid.

You can find others from the link below


This basically told me that the query wasn’t valid, but I knew it was. After some testing I realized I must have copied it from one of my blogs and therefore I now issues with the quotations (“”) so I replaced those in the WMI query and it worked.


So a word of warning if you do copy any make sure you replace the quotation or copy them into word and then back out.


Content ID 16813229 “Access is denied”

A common issue when creating an update baseline for example is a permissions error like the one you can see in the screenshot. Now the first thing most of us would do is check the share permission of the folder in question and see if the users and system have access. What I would advise is before you do that close the config manager console and run it as “Administrator” and try again.



Wsus sync error ID 6703

So I notice that I was having a wsus sync error when looking in my monitoring section, in this case it was with ID 6703, failed to sync some updates. Source: was he massage.




Looking through the WSUS log it seems that for whatever reason the EULA license terms were no longer being agreed and therefore wasn’t downloading.


The fix I found was to deselect all the software in the software update point component properties and then run wsusuntill.exe reset and then add the removed software back to the update point and resynchronize update and then the error was cleared.





Error code 0x80091007 (-2146889721)

I recently had a few problems with an office deployment and noticed in the CAS.log there were a few hash errors, the common consensus was these were caused by an anti-virus, I doubled checked scanning files on the DP, client and server and couldn’t see what the problem could be. Turns out it was in fact a VMware issue which can easily be fixed my changing the adaptor type from the Intel based E1000 to the VM network adapter. If you get this error is may be worth a try
Error code 0x80091007 (-2146889721)


Take note of the IP configuration for your SCCM sever as even if you have reservations setup they won’t come into play as the new adapter will have a different Mac address.  Shutdown the VM and then remove the Adapter in VMware Vshpere Client console.


Once removed you can then add the new the adapter.


If your running server 2012 check computer management and you can should see old hardware and remove the old intel E1000 and update the VMXNET 3 if needed, if your using 2008 for example open CMD and use the set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1 command.

Once DNS is resolved and your happy , update the distribution points and all being well your hash errors will go away.




Under Monitoring – System Status – Component Status i noticed an error with the SMS_INVENTORY_DATA_LOADER with message ID of 2719. This is caused by the MIF file size limit being set to 5mb, the solution is a fairly simple one that involves increasing the size via a registry edit on the site server.1


Open up Registry Editor and navigate to COMPUTER\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\Components\SMS_INVENTORYDATALOADER and look for a file named MAX MIF Size.


Open up the file and select Decimal if you wish to change it to a particular size or change the Hexedecimal to 3200000, which will be 50mb which in my case is more than enough.