Add Wifi Profile During OSD

In order to add a wifi profiles during OSD there are a few options, one of which is to use an XML which is what i will be using.

First of all, we need to capture the currently wifi settings on a machine which is connect to the SSID we want to use, open command prompt as admin and type in the following


netsh wlan show profiles

You should then see the profile name

Next type in the following changing the relevant text

netsh wlan export profile name=”your wifi proile name ” folder=”c:\temp”


Now we have the xml file we need to copy it over to one of our sccm file shares and create a package without an application

Next go to the task sequence you wish to add the profile too

Add a run command line and select the wifi package you just created

In the command line type in the following

CMD.exe /C netsh WLAN add profile filename=\\the location of your xml file\name of the xml.xml


The final step which is optional is to connect the device to the wifi network during the OSD

Again add a run command line and name appropriately

Type in the following

cmd.exe /c netsh wlan connect name=”name of your wifi SSID”